Saturday, July 7, 2012

Still Learning

Ive hunted for many years with a rifle. Many of my best friends and family members also love to hunt. This year I have put the rifle down and have aquired a compound bow. Having never hunted with a bow I am a bit apprehensive lol. I will have to limit my range to about 30 yards. It will be an exciting new challange to get much closer to the animal than usual. Ive been practicing now for several days to gain the skills necessary to have a successful bow outing. I need to learn to be quieter as I draw back on the bow. I also need to learn to keep my damn arm out of the way when I shoot lol. So far Im loving the practice time.


  1. Ett rejält blåmärke du fått där! Aj! Har du blivit inspirerad av The Hnger Games tro!

  2. Jess....I havn't seen the Hunger Games but I have read the series.
