Thursday, January 26, 2012

OK.....So im sitting here at work early in the morning drinking my coffee. Im trying to decide if my thumbs are to big or is my phone to small? Mabye its my eyes that cant read this small screen so well. Lol. Does anybody else blog from their phone? I remember when pong came out way back in the 70s. That was state of the art in video games lol. Now i can entertain myself playing games with people from all over the world while sitting on my soffa and watching the games on big screen and hi def. We can sit at home and watch all the latest movies and tv series by the entire season. How easy is life now compared to when I was growing up and actually had to leave the house once in a while? Lol.....I love the technology but it saddens me to see myself inside much more now than in the past. I have to remind myself that theres MUCH more fun stuff to do outside than there is inside the house. OK OK....some of the indoor things are kinda fun also....just need to try to keep it even in my opinion.


  1. Min man har ställt in telefonen på extra stor stil! ;) Kanske det kan vara något? Jag sitter helst framför datorn.
    Jag håller med om att det finns en hel del roligt att göra utomhus!

  2. Ja man blir lätt bekväm och " orkar " inte göra något för man har ju allt man behöver , men kroppen mår bra av att resa sig från soffan , då och då lol ;)
